Can I use the YuVu EPG to create a TV Guide App for the Australian Market?

Are there any restrictions on how our company can use the YuVu EPG?
We independently create our EPG data so, subject to our approval, you or your company can be creative with how it is used. We licence our EPG for almost any application. We would only restrict those applications which directly compete with YuVu and related entities.

How can a consumer access the EPG data for personal use?
EPG data for personal use can be accessed via the IceTV website

Does YuVu provide an EPG for all of Australia?
Yes, for both metro and regional Australia.

What metadata does YuVu provide in the EPG feed?
Channel, start-time, duration, programme title, episode-title, synopsis, year of production, country of origin, genre/s, language, season and episode numbering, classification, cast, director, postcodes, channel-logo, series image, recommendations (such as New Shows, Most Popular, Editorial picks and Collections), and broadcast flags such as widescreen, repeat, subtitles, black-and-white, high-definition.  YUVU does not provide EPG metadata for Foxtel Pay-TV, FTA datacast/ infomercial channels,  datacast/ religious channels or datacast/horse racing channels.

Do you supply images and if so what type and format?
We provide JPEG format images both poster format and in a 16*9 aspect ratio.

Where does the YuVu data come from?
Using our own proprietary software, YuVu curates its own schedule and descriptions for FTA television stations.

Does YuVu provide historical scheduling data?

What licencing options are there?
We have different licencing and pricing tiers depending on the application, usage and combination of EPG metadata to be used. Smart Recording would require a clear application specification so we could respond fully to  your enquiry. Please contact us to discuss your requirement.

Do you provide sample feeds?
Yes, a sample can be provided, just contact us.

How quickly can we have a test feed setup?
Once approved a test feed will be available immediately.

Daniel HallFrequently Asked Questions